An F-14 on the flight deck of the USS Midway. Love me some planes!

It pays to always have a camera with you. I took this in my car on the way home from work. A little rain drop fell on my windshield and sat so nicely between these palms.
Whew, I'm back. This weekend kinda got away from me. I had a photo session on Saturday, for real money! I know, I know, don't let it go to my head. I had an awesome time with some very cool people and the pictures turned out great! Doesn't get much better than that. I'll be sharing a few shots from the day once I've delivered the final images to my client. For now, a spring time visitor that's popping up all over the neighborhood.
Howdy all! Brace yourself, I'm gonna post more than one pic today. Oh, and I'm gonna write a bit. I'll give you a second to compose yourself. K, here's the back story. I've seen some very cool macro images of oil in water and I wanted to give it a try. I've never seen a setup shot for these kinds of images, so I winged it. As far as the wet ingredients go, I used tap water and Pure Wesson Vegetable Oil. If you're worried about the amount of cholesterol in your images, this is the oil I recommend. On the hardware side, here's what I had going.
This is the ticket booth for the El Capitan theater in Hollywood. I took this early one morning before Hollywood Blvd. got too crazy. And believe me, it gets crazy!
It's such a beautiful time of year with all the wildflowers blooming. I tried to capture some of that in this short film. There's a lot to learn, making the transition from stills to video, but I'm having a blast!
Having some fun with off camera flash. That's a Skelanimal that my baby girl is holding, by the way.
Took this out at the Sepulveda Dam Recreation Area yesterday. The wildflowers are bustin' out all over around here! Love, love this time of year.
I took this yesterday before my church's Easter service at the Hollywood Bowl. A quick tip about taking pictures of flags: take A LOT of images! They change from instant to instant so you just gotta keep firing away. I think I took around thirty images to get this one. Have a great Monday!
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