Here's the first images from my 50D. I'm loving this camera! It's so fast and all the controls are so easy to get at. The screen on the back is a knockout! It's also heavier than my previous camera and I'm really liking that a lot. It feels really solid and gives a nice stable platform to shoot from. More to come soon, but I wanted to put out a few shots for those who were interested.
So is it worth me selling my 30D body?
Inquiring minds want to know...
Hard to say. It's such a big jump for me from my Rebel XT that I'm not sure I'm the best judge for your situation. Having said that, it's pretty awesome.
Wow! I'm totally thrilled for you! And, can I just say:? You make neighborhood sprinklers and shrubs look like pieces of art!!!!
I'm envious of your LCD screen on the back. I love my Canon, but gosh, its LCD is AWFUL - so dim I can only guess if my exposure is right by attempting to analyze the histogram (and my attempts to read a histogram are somewhat comical ... tho, I'm improving with necessity :-}.
Apparently the reason my little pink Sony camera doesn't take great pictures is because it's a little pink Sony camera. And here I thought it was me all along.
If I get your Canon 50D will my shots look as great as yours? Huh?
i want a fancypants camera. i am gonna pout until it happens. hrmpf.
skeller, the histogram is definitely something that takes time to master and having it on a bad lcd doesn't help things!
lula, they don't make the 50D in pink.
pg, I feel your pout.
Awesome images...nice site.
Thanks for stopping by s.j.!
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