I had a awesome time last weekend at the Getty. Unfortunately, due to some technical issues regarding my new cameras RAW format I can't access my images in the usual way. This isn't a bug, just the reality of getting a camera the day it comes out! Anywho, all that to say that my posting from the Getty will be a bit slower than usual.
Actually, you got a week before it came out. For some reason, I'm just not feeling the pity for your problem :-)
What lens did you use?
No pity seeking here! Just the joys/pains of early adoption. I shot this with my favorite "walk around" lens, the Canon 24-105L.
Love the lines in this one! lots for the eye to travel over! and the tones are great
Fantastic curve "alliteration"! :-)
The 24-105 is my favorite walkaround, too.
Cool shot. Bummer about the raw format.
The curves truly are fantastic.
Now get back to work! ;)
Thanks for the comments all. Darcy, I'm back at it tomorrow!
What is the Getty? Your "never been to the L.A. area" fans would like an explanation.
When (not if) y'all come visit us, we'll show you some moonshine stills. For real. How's that for an interesting subject?
lula, here's a little info on The Getty. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getty_Center Moonshine? Really?
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